The 10 Commandments of Wine

The 10 Commandments of Wine
Wine is sacred to those with a passion. With that said, here are the 10 (ironic) commandments of wine!

1 – Thou shalt not drink any other drinks but wine.

2 – Thou shalt not use the word beer in wine’s presence.  

3 – Thou shalt remember the name Brunello.

4 – Thou shalt honor a glass of Chianti with dinner.

5 – Thou shalt not drink wine out of a plastic glass.

6 – Thou shalt not drink cheap wine. Thou shalt buy quality.

7 – Thou shalt not steal the wine glass of another. Ask and wine will be poured.

8 – Thou shalt not pretend to be an expert. Thou shalt properly study wine instead.

9 – Thou shalt not drink wine if thou cannot handle alcohol

10 –  Thou shalt not covet the wine of others. If thou can.

Otherwise thou shall ask for wine to be shared

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