5 Miraculous Reasons to Visit Siena

Wine Itineraries
5 Miraculous Reasons to Visit Siena
There are numerous reasons to visit Rome, Sicily, or Venice, but there are also plenty reasons to visit Siena. While Siena is well known for its culture, history, and architecture, it has made its mark in other ways as well.

Siena is also home to some of Tuscany's most wonderful foods and wines, giving tourists delectable incentives to visit the city.

1. Food of Course
Siena is a city that holds some of the richest cuisines of Tuscany. Here you can find wild boar, truffles, pappardelle, and more. There's also a wide array of fresh fruits and vegetables available. If you’re ever in the mood for sweets, Siena is famous for its ricciarelli and panforte, which can be bought from different markets around town.

2. Piazza del Campo
Piazza Del Campo is a beautiful public space originally paved in 1349. Before the thirteenth century, the Piazza was once a marketplace centered along the three hilltop towns that conjoined to form Siena. Aside from its rich historical background, the Piazza also holds remarkable artistic elements as its sections were fashioned to resemble folds in the cloak of the Virgin Mary.

3. Wine Tastings
Wine tasting in Siena can be one of the most memorable experiences whether you’re on holiday or stopping by for a brief visit. Tuscany itself is one of the most beloved wine-making regions of Italy and its city of Siena is just as noteworthy. Siena is famous for its Brunello di Montalcino, Vino Nobile di Montepulciano, and of course its Chianti Classico.
While each of these wines is made from Sangiovese grapes, their aging process, notes, and pairing varies. Chianti Classico is a young wine traditionally made from 80% Sangiovese grapes and suitable for most dishes. Brunello di Montalcino is aged for much longer and pairs well with roasts and game. It even withstands aging for up to 50 years.

Vino Nobile di Montepulciano is aged for at least two years and pairs well with roasts, white meat, game, and poultry. Each of these wines can be best experienced on a wine tasting adventure in Siena.

4. Duomo di Siena
The Duomo of Siena is one of Siena’s most marvelous sites, taking approximately 200 years to build. There are 35 statues of religious figures that all surround the Virgin Mary on the cathedral's façade. The art and statues inside were completed by various figures including Michelangelo, Donatello, and Bernini. If you do choose to visit the cathedral, be sure to have a look at the baptistery and the Piccolomini Library.

5. Torrefazione Fiorella
Torrefazione Fiorella is an excellent place to visit for coffee lovers. But beware, traditional coffee in Siena is far from a typical cup of joe served in the States. For starters, portions are smaller and vary based on the type of "caffe". For instance, "un caffe normale" is an espresso served in a petite coffee cup, while a caffellatte is served in a tall glass with the addition of warm milk. Whichever caffe you choose, your taste buds will thank you for it.

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