Why Serve Spumante Cold?

Why Serve Spumante Cold?
A glass of chilled bubbly can bring a smile to any day. Sparkling wine is loved by many for its aromas, flavors and needless to say – its bubbles!

Many people think that a good glass of bubbly should only be drunk on important occasions, but what better occasion is there than to sip it accompanied by good conversation with friends?

The beauty of sparkling wine is that it can be paired with plenty of meals or social gatherings – not just that special one! Regardless of the occasion, there is one thing you do need to be pay attention to - the serving temperature.

There is nothing worse than a sparkling wine served at the same temperature as an aged red wine (64°F to 68°F). It may seem trivial to remember, but your palate will be grateful if you serve the bubble at the right temperature which is from 42°F to 46°F for the younger bottles, and about 50°F or 53°F for the more mature ones which may have fermented for quite some months (i.e. Classic Method, a Farnito Brut, a Champagne).
And remember, sparkling wine should be served cold, not frozen! This is the same rule that applies to all white wines and sparkling wines alike. Sparkling wines and white wines have a marked acidity which causes salivation in the mouth of the wine taster. So, what makes a wine’s acidity stand out? Lower the temperature slightly.

The effervescence, due to the natural development of carbon dioxide during the fermentation process is also enhanced thanks to the cool temperatures. Try taking a sip of hot sparkling wine. Nine times out of ten you will grit your teeth and frown at the unpleasant sensation caused by the sugars, which at higher temperatures prevail at the expense of acidity.

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